Monthly Meeting Information
Location--> Shalom Lutheran Church, Social time 6:30 pm, Meeting 7:00 pm
2025 Meeting Dates & Speakers
2024 Meeting Dates and Speakers
2023 Meeting Dates and Speakers
2022 Meeting Dates and Speakers
- January 29th - Alexandria Public Schools Lunch Buddies Program, Bobbi Kavanaugh
- February 25th - Outreach Food Shelf - Bernice Wimmer
- March 25th - Let's Go Fishing! - Rodella Jacobson
- April 22nd
- May 27th
- June 24th
- July 22nd
- August 26th
- September 23rd
- October 28th
- November 25th
- No meeting in December - Happy Holidays!
2024 Meeting Dates and Speakers
- January 24th - Elder Network, Nola Smith
- February 27th - Arts Lab in Sauk Center, Emily
- March 26th - Canceled due to the weather
- April 23rd - Theatre L'Homme Dieu, Nicole Mulder
- May 15th - SPRING Off site Social Gathering, 3:30 pm, bring a guest, Bold North Cellars (Carlos Creek Winery, 22 Northmen)
- May 28th - Boy Scouts of America, Brenda Thomson
- June 25th - Alomere Health Gift Shop, Marilyn Craig
- July 23rd - Habitat for Humanity, Sara Gronholz
- August 27th - Off site Social Gathering, bring a guest, Andria Theatre (50 years of existence) Tours begin at 6:30 pm
- September 24th - Lakes Area Humane Society, Christin Klimek DOUBLE DOOR PRIZE!!
- October 22nd - Friends of the Nature Trail, Barbara Benson (FANT)
- November 7th - FALL Off site Social Gathering, Alumni invited, 4 pm, bring a guest, Bold North Cellars (Carlos Creek Winery, 22 Northmen)
- November 26th - "I love a party!" Theme "Tour of Tables" Entertainment TBD
- December - no meeting - Happy Holidays!
2023 Meeting Dates and Speakers
- January 24th - Alexandria YMCA, Jackie Peters & Alexandria Senior Center, Shelli-Kae Foster
- February 28th - Lutheran Social Services, Marci Hjelm, older adult companionship services
- March 28th - Anderson Funeral Home & Roy Hetland Funeral Home, Kathy Eastlund
- April 25th - Jeanie B Tours
- May 23rd - Dragonfly Mental Wellness Foundation, Luann McFarlane
- June 27th - Douglas County Outreach / Food Shelf
- June 28th - Social Gathering, 5pm at Copper Trail Brewing (spouses/significant others welcome)
- July 25th - Douglas County Library, Luke Elliott
- August 22nd - Social Gathering, 6:30pm at Gathered Oaks. (spouses/significant others welcome)
- September 26th - Explore Alexandria, Joe Korkowski
- October 24th - Runestone Museum, Amada Seim
- November 28th - "I love a party!" Theme - Holiday, Entertainment by the Geneva Bells.
- December - no meeting - Happy Holidays!
2022 Meeting Dates and Speakers
- January 25th- JS Design, Jill Stoeck
- February 22nd - meeting was cancelled due to weather.
- March 22nd - Jeannie B Tours
- April 26th - Bruckner Mediation, Sherry Bruckner
- May 24th - BIO GIRLS and Caring & Sharing room
- June 28th - Car Care Program, Kris Chisholm
- July 26th - Douglas County Historical Society, Liz Paul
- August 23rd - Social Gathering at Cooper Trail Brewery (spouses/significant others welcome)
- September 27th - Sauk River Water Shed District, Jon Roeschlein
- October 25th - Alexandria Community Education, Fritz Bukowski
- November 22nd - Alexandria Chamber of Commerce, Tara Bitzan, Child Care innovation Project
- December - no meeting